Sunday, November 30, 2008

3-D Movies

I watched Journey to the Center of the Earth last night in 3-D for the first time. Don't worry, I'm not going to tell you what happened. But, I will give you a warning and a very interesting thing to look forward to. In return, I'm hoping that someone can explain what happened to me because I'm really not sure I understand what was going on.

I remember when I was about 11 years old, I made my first pair of 3-D glasses. I'm hoping this makes me sound really intelligent. But if you've ever seen a pair of them before, I've already failed. All they are is a frame which holds two different colored lenses over your eyes. When I made a pair of them years ago, I used blue cellophane on one side and red on the other.

The movie came with 4 pairs of glasses. I found it interesting that they used green cellophane on one side and pink on the other. So, either the technology has changed over the years as far as the production of the movies, the colors don't really matter that much, or the colors used are closely enough related to the ones I'd used in the past. I'm really not sure. Anyone know?

But my main question really is on a different matter. When I'd used the glasses in the past to watch certain movies - and it only works with certain movies because they have to be produced in a particular manner. Again, I'm not going to act like I'm very well-informed on this. But, I'll share what information I do have as well as I know it. The scenes are filmed simultaneously from two different angles, one regularly and one at a 45-degree angle. Then, when produced, the films are superimposed.

When I watched the movies earlier in my life; one was a Jaws movie...the other was a Nightmare on Elm Street didn't have to wear the glasses all the way through. So, when the movie was over, I didn't have the same problems. It hurt my eyes. I had double-vision at times. At times I felt almost nauseous.

When I removed the glasses, I still felt like I was wearing them. Everything still seemed discolored and I still had the sensation of double-vision. The really cool thing was when I closed one eye at a time. The eye that had the green lens over it had a pink hue to my vision. And the eye that had the pink lens had a green hued appearance.

Obviously, the lenses didn't physically change my eyes. However, the perception had changed. My brain was trying to compensate for the lens, I believe.

It was like driving my bike without a windshield. After about an hour at speeds over 65 mph, my neck muscles attempt to compensate for the wind. When I'm stopped, if I turn my head to the side, then relax my neck muscles, my head naturally drifts back to the center.

Another example is standing in a doorway with your hands down at your sides. Then lift your arms up slightly and push on the door frame outwards for about 30 seconds. After that time, step out of the doorway and just relax your arms at your sides. Your arms will naturally drift upwards.

In both of those examples, the muscles are trying to compensate for the outside resistance. I assume my brain is attempting to do the same thing by changing my perception because of the change in the stimuli. But, I'm only guessing.

Profane Rant

Like many other users, I've never read the Terms of Use. I think in 15+ years of installing computer software and/or using internet sites, I've read the Terms of Use or the End User Lease Agreement once. I figured that at that time, I could read it and get it out of the way for the rest of my life. I have long held the belief that all of them will be about the same.

Today however, I was thinking about my use of profanity and how I'll post a word that will violate the Terms of Use on this blog at some point. I'll make every effort and conscious decision not to swear. But as I've stated on here already, I'm not always aware of the content of my posting. In all honesty, I didn't even realize that I had signed up for an account on here until the day after when I received an email saying that I had.

Anyways, I spent a lot of time today thinking about swearing, cursing or profanity - whatever you'd like to call it. It's really a topic that angers me. I swear a lot. Granted, there have been times in my life that I swore a lot more often than I do now - but I do still curse many, many times per day. Every time I do, I'm offended; obviously not by what I've said, or I wouldn't have said it. I'm offended by the fact that I'm constantly being censored by society.

Swear words are simply words - a combination of letters - nothing more. It is merely the context behind any word that gives it meaning. I cannot underscore this concept enough. It is so lame to imply that one group of letters is more offensive than another group of letters. The only words I can truly say are profane are ones that offend someone on an existential level.

You really need to think outside of the box on this. What is it that makes a word profane? It is some sort of authority group that tells you the word should not be used. Think about it. Does an entire group of people instantaneously agree, without interacting, that a word is really an offensive slur? Not a chance.

That brings you to the next question you have to ask about what makes a word profane: "Says who?" At some point, an authority figure stepped forward and said "This word is offensive and cannot be used". To that person, I say "F you".

I am not so vain as to suggest that I am more intelligent than they are. But, I will say that I am not vain enough to suggest to everyone in the world that I am so much more intelligent than they are that I should make moral decisions about the words they speak.

And that concept right there is why I'm angered; why I'm offended by profanity. It is not the "profanity" that offends me, but the control placed upon me by someone who has likely been dead for 200 years. Don't think that's true? Well, there's a good chance it is.

The values and even definitions of words are being changed all the time. Try looking up a word in the dictionary - any word - pick a word at random. Do you see only one definition? Can't you think of any words that were okay to say in history but aren't anymore...or words that were offensive before but are commonly spoken now?

So, who is it that imposes these bans on words and why? I don't know about you, but I've about had it with people telling me how to live, how to speak and how to think - all based on their moral interpretations. And in my honest opinion, it all stems from the church. Who more so, in all of recorded time, has told people how to live?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Blame Game

I believed the world would be heading in a new direction starting November 5th after the election. I thought for at least the next 2 years, our country would be able to put the partisan politics aside and focus on fixing the multitude of problems we face...and let's face it, we've never had such a multitude of problems as we do now. But, I'm not seeing any steps in this direction.

What I have been seeing from the Republicans and the right-wing media is, if it were possible, an increase in the attacks on President-Elect Obama. Not so much the character assassination attempts that had been made during the general election, but more of an attempt to blame Obama. Has anyone else noticed this? Don't get me wrong, there have been personal attacks as well. But, I won't be talking about them in this rant.

He's being blamed for the economic problems; some referring to this time period as the "Obama Recession". To hear them tell the tale, he's fully responsible for every misstep made by the Bush administration over the last 8 years.

A recent report was released stating how over the next 20 years, the U.S., along with several other countries, will lose wealth and economic power in relation to the rest of the world. And though the country is still under the Bush administration for the next two months, CNN is blaming Obama for this shift of power. To my understanding, the report reflects the transfer of wealth to the middle eastern countries because of the energy policy we've lived under during the Bush years. This is the irony of the blame-shifting.

During the Primary and General election, the accusations against Obama were that he did not have enough experience - and furthermore, not enough time making legislation. However, in blaming Obama for this amazingly harmful energy policy, he is in essence being blamed for all the laws that were passed even before he was in the Illinois state legislation, let alone the U.S. Senate - thereby accusing him of having too much experience. Well done Republicans!

I wish it all stopped there but, that's not the case. With just 2 short months left before the inauguration, Obama has bankrupted the country, turned third world countries into world powers against us, allowed Iran to obtain nuclear weapons and accomplish their goal of wiping Israel off the map.

So, Republicans and Conservative, right-wing Media, Thank you for bringing all of these mistakes to light. I would hate to be able to hope that something great could come of the world when we are so obviously doomed by this man with such ill intentions.

In all honesty, it's really sad that they attacks are going on every single day by people who have the power to be helpful. It's sad that President-Elect Obama can't get assistance from you. It's sad that the rest of us have to wade around in this ugly world that you're fighting to keep that way. After all, helping would be to admit that you, and even worse -your party- are wrong. It's sad that rather than helping, you must keep attacking in hopes you'll be able to steal back the White House in 4 years for your party. But keep this in mind, you'll not have my vote for your candidate. I'm registering as a Democrat so that I'll never be on one of your contact lists.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Name Your God and Bleed the Freak

I've been sitting here night after night trying to figure out the target of my next rant. Don't get me wrong, I have more than enough frustration and aggression to go around. But, it just seems as though some topics are so much more worthy to receive the lash. And here's the real kicker -- I *might* have 1 reader. Is it worth the trouble on my part? I do so love to give my opinions to those who wish to receive them. But at what exact point of speaking only to one's self does it become irrelevant.

Perhaps it would be better for me to just hang out at someone elses' page and just throw in some rough and rude comments where I feel them adequate. Who knows. Perhaps someday, I'll figure a reason to write here again. If for no other reason than to empty the plaguing thoughts from my head. If I'm lucky, someone will take my words at more than just their face value. Perhaps they'll even respond ...or dare I dream...initiate the next topic.

I'll be around, should you find this page and want to actually share your opinions.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


I don't know if anyone will agree with me on this or not but, I really have to say it. I have lost almost all respect for CNN and I've never really had much for HNN.

HNN has taken a small step up in that they no longer have Glen Beck on the air there. Although, I've read that it's because he signed a deal with Fox. But rather than add a decent show, they're rebroadcasting Lou Dobbs' show from the sister-station, CNN. I can't say enough how much of a dick he's turned out to be. I guess I can't really say it's a step up. It's more of a lateral move.

I used to agree with a lot, if not most, of Dobbs' positions. He changed all of his opinions as soon as McCain was the presumptive nominee. From that point on, McCain really didn't get any criticism from Lou and everything turned into an attack on the Democrats. All the while, he was presenting himself as "Mr. Independant", an "Independant Populist". The truth of course is that he's a Republican - quite conservative. A major tell is all of his attacks on the "Liberal Media". If he were truely an independant populist, he'd just be talking about the "other media".

HNN also has Nancy Grace. What a joke! I honestly don't understand how in the hell she keeps a job. Don't get me wrong, about this point, please. I think this news story is a tradgedy - the missing child, Caylee Anthony. But it's been like 6 months and Nancy's just now starting to talk about a second news story. It's the same information rehashed every single night. And what's worse, HNN re-airs the show a couple of times. ARGH, KILL ME!

Now, CNN has added "D.L. Hughley Breaks the News". I can hardly believe that they put this on their station. I personally don't have a problem with political humor. And I don't have a problem with a black comedian making jokes about whites. But it's hard to retain a reputation as "The Most Trusted Name in News" when you've got a black comedian on your station making racist jokes. There is a time and place for his jokes. I believe someday, we'll be a post-racial society. We're not there just yet and this won't help matters at this point.

Generally speaking, I've noticed that CNN is falling. It won't be long before they're taken only as serious as Fox News. And really, how seriously can they be taken with Bill O' the Clown, Geraldo and Glen Beck? I believe though that Lou Dobbs will be leaving before too long - probably to Fox also. He's pissing off far too many viewers, I believe. Not just because of what I've mentioned. But, he's already had calls for his job over his anti-immigrant railings. Not to mention how much time he's been missing from his own show there so that he can work on his new radio show.

I think nearly every anchor on CNN is acting in the same manner, sadly. Campbell Brown isn't - and Anderson Cooper isn't too bad. But, are they enough to save the whole station from morphing into Fox News II?