Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Blame Game

I believed the world would be heading in a new direction starting November 5th after the election. I thought for at least the next 2 years, our country would be able to put the partisan politics aside and focus on fixing the multitude of problems we face...and let's face it, we've never had such a multitude of problems as we do now. But, I'm not seeing any steps in this direction.

What I have been seeing from the Republicans and the right-wing media is, if it were possible, an increase in the attacks on President-Elect Obama. Not so much the character assassination attempts that had been made during the general election, but more of an attempt to blame Obama. Has anyone else noticed this? Don't get me wrong, there have been personal attacks as well. But, I won't be talking about them in this rant.

He's being blamed for the economic problems; some referring to this time period as the "Obama Recession". To hear them tell the tale, he's fully responsible for every misstep made by the Bush administration over the last 8 years.

A recent report was released stating how over the next 20 years, the U.S., along with several other countries, will lose wealth and economic power in relation to the rest of the world. And though the country is still under the Bush administration for the next two months, CNN is blaming Obama for this shift of power. To my understanding, the report reflects the transfer of wealth to the middle eastern countries because of the energy policy we've lived under during the Bush years. This is the irony of the blame-shifting.

During the Primary and General election, the accusations against Obama were that he did not have enough experience - and furthermore, not enough time making legislation. However, in blaming Obama for this amazingly harmful energy policy, he is in essence being blamed for all the laws that were passed even before he was in the Illinois state legislation, let alone the U.S. Senate - thereby accusing him of having too much experience. Well done Republicans!

I wish it all stopped there but, that's not the case. With just 2 short months left before the inauguration, Obama has bankrupted the country, turned third world countries into world powers against us, allowed Iran to obtain nuclear weapons and accomplish their goal of wiping Israel off the map.

So, Republicans and Conservative, right-wing Media, Thank you for bringing all of these mistakes to light. I would hate to be able to hope that something great could come of the world when we are so obviously doomed by this man with such ill intentions.

In all honesty, it's really sad that they attacks are going on every single day by people who have the power to be helpful. It's sad that President-Elect Obama can't get assistance from you. It's sad that the rest of us have to wade around in this ugly world that you're fighting to keep that way. After all, helping would be to admit that you, and even worse -your party- are wrong. It's sad that rather than helping, you must keep attacking in hopes you'll be able to steal back the White House in 4 years for your party. But keep this in mind, you'll not have my vote for your candidate. I'm registering as a Democrat so that I'll never be on one of your contact lists.

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