Monday, December 1, 2008

Flipin' Lou Dobbs Rant

Not too long ago, I wrote about how much Lou Dobbs has been pissing me off; how he's been flip-flopping on every issue. Once upon a time, he had a set group of opinions. All of this changed when John McCain became the presumptive Republican nominee. At that point, Lou went on the attack, hitting Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama every chance he got.

It didn't seem to matter that Lou had once held an opposite opinion. He simply changed his point of view to match that of McCain. Now that the election is over, and his boy, McCain has lost, he's once again backtracking on every issue to his original positions. Here's an example:

The economy - Dobbs had been saying for some time, as the rest of the country had, that our economy was in real trouble. The inflation rate was on the rise, wages had become stagnant, our industries were crashing as jobs moved overseas, and the infamous mortgage meltdown had begun. Lou asked, as the rest of the nation did, "Where is the governmental oversight? We have a real problem here!"This position he held changed immediately upon Mike Huckabee losing his chance at the Republican nomination and McCain securing enough delegates.

John McCain's chief economic adviser, Phil Gramm, stated in public that we were in a "Metal Recession" and that we had simply become a "country of whiners" - meaning, of course, that our economy was not really having problems, but that we were just complaining. McCain himself even spoke these words; though I'd only seen that clip like twice after McCain became the nominee - such a pet of the media.

Lou Dobbs wasted no time in falling in line with McCain. When the national media picked up on news of the mortgage meltdown and Henry Paulson came out of the woodwork seeking support for a $700 billion "bailout" for the lenders, Lou countered saying that there really wasn't a problem with our economy -- instead that Paulson, Ben Bernanke and the Bush administration were just "talking down the economy". By this, he meant that there was no problem with the national economy, but that these three sources were just using some scare tactics. Anything short of this criticism would have been to agree with Barack Obama and the Democratic party...thereby disagreeing with, and making, John McCain and the Republicans appear as they truly are -- out of touch with the ordinary people and ignorant on economic issues.

Today, 12/1/08, the official report has been released stating that we are in fact in a Recession. In fact, the U.S. has been in a recession since at least 12/07. But now that the election is over, Dobbs no longer has to support the idiotic positions of McCain. Lou has come out and stated that we're in a recession. Of course, he acts as though he's always said we were in a recession - that he never doubted it.

Frankly, I'm disgusted. It pisses me off that he is always so f'ing presumptuous. Lou, if you're reading this...You're a LIAR! You flip your opinions around to always appear as though you're all-knowledgeable, while never acknowledging that you've been wrong. Even worse, you lie about your motivations for your opinions. All in all, you're a scumbag!

Now if you want to see something pathetically representative of what I'm talking about, take a look at some clips of Lou Dobbs speaking about Barack Obama from the time of the general election. Then, check out the news today. He's fully supportive of Obama now. Hell, he's even calling for the national media to cut President-Elect Obama some slack.

In this, I'm fully behind Dobbs. Give Obama a chance and stop attacking him long before his job even begins calling his job a failure, as if the next 4-8 years have already passed. But, this definitely doesn't make up for all your lies and attacks of the last few months, Lou. You're still scum.

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