Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Obama Cabinet & Media-Sponsored Racism

Here it is, the end of the day. That means it's time to start complaining almost endlessly again. I thought I'd try something new tonight though. Instead of putting several different posts up, I thought it best if I try to sum everything up into a single post for a single day. We'll have to see how well that works out. Okay, let's get started:

I've been listening to news anchors and various interviewees that they seem to have made deals with, as if they've said "I'll let you on my show to help sell your book if you back up my idiotic idea". One of my biggest complaints about what they've been saying today is the nomination of Bill Richardson to the post of Secretary of Commerce. I'm not even sure how many of this moronic anchors I've heard ask, or say "Isn't this nomination like a consolation prize to him for not getting Secretary of State" or "Bill Richardson's nomination to this post was an afterthought by President-Elect Obama because he realized that he didn't have any Latinos picked". Give me a break!

I am so sick of these jack offs trying to create controversy where there is none. It's unbelievable! I personally agree that Hilary Clinton would have been more well suited to Health and Human Services and Bill Richardson to Secretary of State and someone else for Secretary of Commerce. But, if anyone thinks Obama is just picking people at random for these positions or that he somehow felt compelled to nominate Richardson for Commerce because he'd forgotten or that he felt somehow required to appoint a Latino really needs to smack themselves for not thinking.

But, instead of simply reporting who Obama is choosing, so many in the media need to create controversy; to sensationalize everything. I will never understand where in our history reporting the news took such a turn. You know, the main source of where I see racism in our society today, and for nearly as long as I can remember, is from our media. Here's another example of what I mean from the news today:

There was a story about a cemetery getting moved. This is not anything new; cemeteries get moved all the time. But because this one has the graves of black slaves from long ago, it's a massively racist and offensive thing. I HATE racism. I wish it would go away...but our damn media won't let it! Every time our society takes a step forward, the media drudges up some controversy to stir up emotions between races. Seriously, can't we all just get a bong? er...get along.

Well, whichever.

But, back to the cabinet nominations: I want to also say how annoyed I am by all of this crap with people saying "Obama was running on a platform of change, but look how he's nominating people from the Clinton days! That's not change!" I think I know where they picked up that second sentence.

Come on Barack, you should know better. Go down and pick up some day workers, or people from the unemployment line to work for minimum wage. Or even better, get a cabinet full of Sarah Palins.

I don't know about everyone else, but I'm sick of having people in my government who has no idea what they're doing. I certainly have not enjoyed the last 8 years. I'm also sick of people in the government who don't know how to act with leaders and officials of other countries. Again, look to the last 8 years.

I know that to a certain extent, you must have people in the government with experience. It's the leadership at the top that provides the "change" that was promised. While not all of the players have changed, it's the man at the top who approves the moves. To suggest that every single person in appointed must have never been in government before is just ridiculous. It's quite obvious that these people are simply looking for any reason to complain... they are comprised of two groups -- Media and Republicans. Please, wise up.

Now, a completely unrelated topic, but one that really pisses me off -- A loser hockey player, Sean Avery, (again, LOSER) was referring to his very talented ex, Elisha Cuthbert when he said this: "I just want to comment on how it's become like a common thing in the NHL for guys to fall in love with my sloppy seconds." It was a best, a very crude comment. I hope she sues him. And again, this story wouldn't have been a story if the media would drop it. But, they have to repeat it...and repeat it...and repeat it.

The media knows no shame. They run stories like this over and over again only causing more trouble. Instead of reporting informational stories, they run smears. And, they do it all under the guise of spreading knowledge and shield themselves with the First Amendment. I think that the First Amendment should have been chisled into stone..and I think the media personalities should be pelted repeatedly with this stone when they keep spreading smear stories like this.

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